

1.Relationship between China’s Modern Urban “Environmental Landscape”Development and  Social Statuses
2.Seat Design under the Oriental Culture

3.한중일 전통생활과 디자인 문화

4.INAX Sustainable Style Project
5.전라지역 정자건축의 배치 및 평면유형 특징에 관한 연구
6.조선시대 궁궐의 창호디자인 연구


발행일        2009년 12월 31일

발행인        최경란 동양문화디자인연구소 소장 

Editorial       김개천 (편집위원장, 국민대학교 교수)

Board          조현신(국민대학교 교수), 강현주(인하대학교 교수), 유부미(상명대학교 교수), 채승진(연세대학교 교수),   

                    채민규(명지대학교 교수), 윤지영(동서대학교 교수), 김 신(월간 디자인 편집장), 김옥철(안그라픽스 대표)

                    박영순(연세대학교 교수), 이상해(성균관대학교 교수), 전봉희(서울대학교 교수), 안상수(홍익대학교 교 

                    수) ,장수양(칭화대학교 교수), Yoshihiko Terahara(무사시노 미술대학 교수),

                     Keiichi Sato, Judith Gregory (Illinois Institute of Technologe 교수)


편집,진행   신인철 연구원

ISSN             2092-626X

1.Relationship between China’s Modern Urban “Environmental Landscape”Development and  Social Statuses

From the end of the 1940s to the beginning of the 1960s. It was the early stage of the People's Republic of China. The society was in a status of "great leap forward". 
From the middle of the 1960s to the beginning of the 1970s. It was the period of the Cultural Revolution, a very special period. It was a period characterized by loyalty to Chairman Mao, going to settle down in the countryside, and class struggle. From the end of the 1970s to the 1980s. It was the early stage of the reform and opening, and the society was in a state of opening to the outside world and liberation of ideology. The 1990s, the mid stage of the reform and opening. The society was in a collision between economy and culture. 
At the beginning of the 21st century, China entered the period of all-round construction of a harmonious 
society. The society was on the road to harmonious development.

2.Seat Design under the Oriental Culture


In the present globalized world, people live in the same houses, watch the same TV, and drive the same cars, but in each country, people’s living styles remain unchanged. In Korea, Japan and other East Asian countries, the living style characterized by sitting on the ground has always been continued. In China, from the Tang and Song dynasties, the sitting style with the legs hanging down came into being, and has continued till now. Yet, on the ondol(炕) used by the northerners and the ta (couch楊) used by the southerners, the sitting habit is still kept, and people use sitting styled furniture on their ondol(炕) or ta(楊). We may say that changes in living style have caused changes in people’s sitting manner, which has triggered the changes of furniture in size and shape in turn.

3.한중일 전통생활과 디자인 문화


디지털정보시대를 맞이하면서 인간과 자연의 관계를 중요시하는 전통 문화에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있는 가운데, 한중일 삼국의 문화를 함께 발전시키고 세계화시키기 위해서는 이들 간의 역사·문화적 배경과 생활 속에 나타난 조형문화의 공통점과 차이점을 이해하는 것이 매우 중요하다. 대륙에 위치한 중국, 반도국인 한국, 섬 나라인 일본은 전통적으로 유가사상을 공유하면서 각각 중화사상, 천지인사상, 신국주의 등을 구축해 왔다. 이를 바탕으로 중국은 과장법과 화려한 장식이 발달하였고, 한국은 자연과의 조화를 추구하는 멋이, 일본은 인공적인 간결함을 강조하는 조형의식이 발달하였다. 각국의 고유한 아이멘티티가 두드러지는 식생활 문화, 조형의식을 바탕으로 한 의생활의 멋, 그리고 자연환경에 대응해온 주생활 문화의 지혜 등 한중일 삼국은 생활문화 전반에 있어서 각기 다른 조형문화를 발전시켜왔다. 현대 디자인의 과제는 전통 문화에 대한 새로운 이해와 탐구를 필요로 하며, 전통문화의 현대적 계승을 위해서는 주어진 상황과 그 의미에 따라 전통성의 사실적, 장식적, 절충적, 현대적 표현 등 다양한 방법으로 접근해야 할 것이다.


As we embrace the age of digital information, there is a worldwide increase in the interest of nature, and 
traditional culture. In order to simultaneously develop the cultures of Korea, China, and Japan for globalization, we need to understand the similarities and differences of traditional culture evident from each country’s historical and cultural context. Continental China, Korean peninsula, and island of Japan share the Confucian ideologies. On the other hand, differences are observed between the three countries as China based on 
Sinocentrism, Korea based on the harmony of heaven, earth, and man, and Japan is focused mythology. Accordingly, China’s extravagant decorations makes things appear larger than life. Korea's aesthetics is based 
on harmonizing beauty of the nature while Japan pursues elements artificial simplicity. Through such cultures 
as everyday life that gives distinct identities to each country’s clothing aesthetics and wisdom, and their life has developed their own design culture. Modern design is required to fulfil the homogeneity of western oriented culture whilst differentiating by regional culture. Thus, a new understanding and research of traditional culture is needed. Today, in order to better modern succeed traditional cultures, we need to approach the given context and meaning through various expression that address realistic, ornamental, eclectic, and modern aspects.

4.INAX Sustainable Style Project

The activities of the INAX Sustainable Style Project, which we worked on for 6 years from 2002 to 2007, are described below. 
This project aimed to create technology, products, and services for a sustainable society that is in harmony 
with the global environment based on material recycling - a society that lives with new values. 
Having set 2020 as the year by which to create a sustainable society in terms of the basic actions of everyday life bathing, eating, and elimination, we imagined what each of these areas of life would be like and how people would live their lives in this age, and we developed products and services that would become necessary. Conventional ideas of “advanced design” are based on predictions of what society and the technologywill be like in 3 to 5 year's time. This can more accurately be termed “forecasting”. It is highly effective when looking at the near future, but if there are large changes that have remained hidden and are waiting to happen, it can lead to extremely dangerous choices. 
On the other hand, in order to prevent making the wrong choice over the long term, it is important to establish goals to work toward. This is the “sustainable design” method that is based on such a sustainable 
future. It involves establishing what a sustainable society of the future should look like and then to look back 
from this future to the present and to think about what needs to be done by when. This method is known as 
“backcasting”. We believe that the actions that make us happy in the present may not necessarily lead to 
happiness going into the future. What really makes us, our families, and our friends happy? Our hope for this 
project was to find a wayto work for our happiness in the present and the happiness of future generations.

5.전라지역 정자건축의 배치 및 평면유형 특징에 관한 연구

우리나라 전통건축 중 궁궐이나 주택, 사찰, 서원 등에 대한 연구는 활발히 진행되어 오고 있지만, 이에 반해 정자에 관한 연구는 저조한 편이다. 정자는 앞에서 언급한 건축물들에 비해 실제 생활의 공간으로 쓰이는 경우가 상대적으로 적기 때문이다. 그러나 자연과 함께 하는 삶 그리고 휴식에 대한 관심이 높아지기 시작하면서, 정자에 대한 관심도 서서히 증가하고 있다. 정자건축은 그 입지 및 배치가 매우 중요하다. 정자 자체만을 즐기는 것이 아니라 자연과 함께 어우러지는 건축물이기 때문이다. 고로 정자의 구성 및 평면이 개방되어 있는 정도에 따라서 주변 풍경을 조망할 수 있는 조건이 달라지게 되고 이에 따라 정자의 활용도가 변화될 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 전라지역 정자건축의 배치 유형을 분류하여 특징을 알아보고, 배치에 따라 평면이 어떻게 나타나는지 파악한다. 또한 전라지역 정자건축의 평면 유형이 시대별로 변화해 온 과정 및 정자 내 공간 사용 방법에 대해 알아보고자 한다.


Research for Korea traditional Architecture Palace, House, Buddhist temple is gone vigorously. But, research 
about Jeong-Ja is less. Jeong-Ja is less case used by actuality life-space comparing to other architecture. But, as interest about a rest which partake with nature rises, interest about Jeong-Ja is increasing slowly. 
The position of Jeong-Ja architecure is very important. because, it is architecture that join with nature. 
Condition that can see surrounding scenery according to Jeong-Ja’s organization and plan’s open is become 
different, and practical use degree of correct characters can change according to this. 
This study searches feature sorting Jeong-Ja of Jeonra district’s position type hereupon, and grasp whether 
some connection is to position type and plan type. Also, search process that Jeong-Ja of Jeonra district’s plan 
type changes by age about my space use method.

6.조선시대 궁궐의 창호디자인 연구


본 연구에서는 전통창호가 갖는 사상적 배경과 공간구성에서의 관련성 및 한국 전통창호의 특징과 종류를 시대를 대표하는 최상급의 건축이라 할 수 있는 궁궐의 사례를 통해 알아보고 그 안에서의 창호문양을 연구하여 현대 디자인에 전통문양을 도입하여 디자인 해보는 연구를 할 것이다. 
우리나라는 특히 건축의 건물의 정면 창호의장이 강하게 나타나는 것이 특정이다. 본 연구조사에서는 서울에 있는 5대 궁궐을 현장 조사하여 각 수집된 건물의 창호를 중심으로 궁궐문양(궁궐에 주로 쓰이는 띠살, 완자살, 정자살, 용자살, 빗살, 꽃살)과 형태와 비례를 종합적으로 비교 분석하여 창호살의 의장적인 형태의 유형과 문양, 비례, 배치를 수집하고 각 관련 논문과 궁궐의 도면 그리고 현장사진을 통해 고찰하였다.


It is to do a study I write down the phenomenon that tradition window Ho whom I put a Chairman of grating into 
it, and there is has in a study, and I be understood and recognize a reward of the palace which is able to be a 
building of the superlative degree to represent the times and study windows and doors pattern of he In buccinis and introduce Miss tradition door to a design, and a design does Republic of Korea windows and doors goodwill 
characteristic and a kind with a meaning and aesthetic of windows and doors and, and to watch a background and 
relevance of space configuration. 
It is a characteristic we or front windows and doors of a building of a building in particular is strong gets, and to break.

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